How To Feng Shui Your Office


Feeling comfortable in your office space is essential to boosting productivity. It’s hard to stay focused when there are negative feelings flowing through your space. You can reverse those negative feelings by using Feng Shui to fill your office with positive energy.

How to Feng Shui Your Office
Messy desk

You are going to spend a good chunk of your time at your work desk, so this should be your main focus when using Feng Shui in your office. You can start by facing your desk towards the entrance of your office or workspace. If you cannot rearrange your desk, the next best thing is to place a mirror on your desk so you can see the entrance. Make room for creativity by clearing out the clutter. A clutter-free desk keeps you from feeling stressed out. Finally, come up with an organizational system them works for you, from categorizing by date to using colorful binders with tabs.

A bagua map will help you divide your desk into nine zones to promote the flow of positive energy.

  • Wealth and Prosperity (Back Left Corner): A plant, change jar or well-functioning laptop or computer.
  • Fame and Reputation (Back Center): Nameplate, business cards or photograph of a major accomplishment.
  • Love and Relationships (Back Right Corner): Fresh flower if you are single, or photograph of that special someone if you are in a relationship.
  • Family (Left Center): A photograph of your family in a wooden frame.
  • Health (Center): This space should be free of clutter.
  • Creativity (Right Center): Whatever gets your creative juices flowing, whether it is a journal or sketchbook.
  • Knowledge and Wisdom (Front Left Corner): A reference book, photograph or quotation that shares a bit of wisdom.
  • Career (Front and Center): A motivational quote.
  • Helpful People and Travel (Front Right Corner): An address book, travel guide or photograph of your dream vacation.

The best way to create a positive environment in your workplace is to Feng Shui your office. A positive environment is just what you need to feel motivated, and this will help to boost your productivity.

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